CD-Abajabakristo Managment Team

Sr. Marie Louise Niyonsenga

Headsister in leadership

Sr. Domithille Uwiragiye

Vice chair of the Community of Deaconesses

Pastor Vincent Musabyimana

Chaplain of Deaconesses Community

Sr. Berthe Mukarurangwa

Member of the Deaconesses Sisters

The CD-ABK is in partnership with churches that care for and recommend young ladies to join the deaconess’s community. The existing and most active local partners are the following: Presbyterian Church in Rwanda (EPR), Anglican Church in Rwanda (EAR), Baptist Church in Rwanda (AEBR), Karongi District, and Western Province. The main external partners of CD-ABK are the following: Friends of Sisters in Rwanda (VVZR), Kerk in Actie, Waterland Foundation, Communauté des sœurs de Laendli, Communauté des sœurs de Saint Loup, Christliche Fachkräfte International (CFI), United Evangelical Mission (UEM), and DGD foerdershtiftung.