Rubengera TSS was officially started on 4th February 2013 by the community of sisters "ABAJA BA KRISTO" (CD-ABK) in partnership with DGD (a Germany-based Christian organization).

The 3 years of training on the A2 level focused on carpentry and wood technology based on TVET guidelines given by WDA/MINEDUC. The school is in a rural area, in Nyamagana village, Gisanze cell, Rubengera Sector, Karongi District, Western province.

The vision: The school's vision is to train young people to believe in a future for their lives and families, supporting through their competence their community and country. We provide lifelong learning opportunities to strengthen a sustainable and technology-based business, based on a firm foundation of Christian value.

The Mission: The school's mission is to provide solid technical teaching in a modern training environment, the training of informal skills as well as teamwork and leadership skills, to endow certificates in line with the Rwandan official training system, and to offer lifelong learning and training for local citizens.

The hope: The school hopes that the students will share the vision and mission of RTSS and join us in our motto from Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”.

RTSS is known as an excellent school in carpentry due to its quality of education, equipment, infrastructure, and organization. It receives every year the girls and boys, boarding and non-boarding, national and international ones, who finished the ordinal level or above of that level. The staff of the school is composed of competent trainers coming from Rwanda and abroad. Our teaching staff, junior technicians, and volunteers support the school in theory and practice training.

The school has nearby Production Unity which is well equipped with good materials and machines and allows students to do very good practice. Besides regular training, the school has been selected by the Ministry of TVET together with WDA to run ToT at the national level due to its organization, facility, and human resources which for sure is a testimony of good quality of education especially hands-on skills. The school is also offering special training to the startup of RTSS students to others who studied carpentry and to others who want to improve the quality of that career.

Photos from RTSS.

The CD-ABK is in partnership with churches that care for and recommend young ladies to join the deaconess’s community. The existing and most active local partners are the following: Presbyterian Church in Rwanda (EPR), Anglican Church in Rwanda (EAR), Baptist Church in Rwanda (AEBR), Karongi District, and Western Province. The main external partners of CD-ABK are the following: Friends of Sisters in Rwanda (VVZR), Kerk in Actie, Waterland Foundation, Communauté des sœurs de Laendli, Communauté des sœurs de Saint Loup, Christliche Fachkräfte International (CFI), United Evangelical Mission (UEM), and DGD foerdershtiftung.